Holding Government Accountable
As a government watchdog, I have made it my business to demand a more fair and transparent government. I will continue to fight against government corruption and waste. Once I’m in office, I will:
1. Listen to You: I’ll have an open-door policy for my constituents and hold regular town hall meetings to hear your concerns and keep you updated on my progress. I’ll make it easier and safer for people to report any government issues they see and will strengthen the whistleblower laws to shield whistleblowers from retaliation and harassment.
2. Budget Smarter: I won’t accept per diems and will report all of my expenses so you know how your taxes are being spent. I will fight for “No Budget No Pay” legislation and work to end legislator perks and gifts that, right now, act as legal bribery of our government officials.
3. Raise the Bar: Lawmakers should be held to a high ethical bar. I’ll fight against conflicts of interest and make sure legislators can’t sit on committees that are making decisions that will benefit them financially. Additionally, I will work towards legislation that prevents legislators who commit a felony or violent crime from keeping their seat, their pension or their insurance.

4. Improve Representation: I want to end gerrymandering and will push for an open and independent group to draw voting maps. Both parties gerrymander which is why it is so important to have an independent commission draw the maps instead of leaving it in the hands of the parties who will benefit from an unfair map. Simply put, gerrymandering is a form of voter suppression, we must end gerrymandering now and ensure that every voice is heard and every vote counts.
5. Equality For All Citizens: I will continue to fight for equality in Pennsylvania. Equality for our LGBTQ+ citizens so they have the same protections under the law as everyone else, equality in pay – closing the gender and race pay gaps, equality in education – quality education for all students regardless of the zip code they live in, equality in healthcare so that everyone has access to affordable healthcare, equality in jobs so that everyone has paid sick time, a living wage and access to a union if they so choose and equality in taxes so that everyone and every company pays their fair share!
Increasing Services, Not Taxes
Pennsylvanians pay enough taxes, so I won’t be raising them. Instead, I’ll work to reprioritize how the government spends the money it already has so we can improve our programs and services. Plus, I’ll find ways to lower your taxes by:
1. Closing the Delaware loophole: Large Pennsylvania corporations avoid paying their taxes by creating holding companies in Delaware. It’s got to stop. This would bring in an estimated $900 Million dollars a year in revenue.
2. Passing the Fair Share Tax Plan: By making sure the wealthy are paying their fair share, we can raise $2.5 billion a year, while cutting taxes or leaving them level for 82% of Pennsylvanians like you. Funding Pennsylvania should not fall unfairly on those who can least afford it, it is time that everyone pays their fair share of taxes.
3. Increasing the Marcellus Shale Tax: If national companies are benefiting from our natural resources, they should also be investing in our communities. Pennsylvania is the only state to not have an extraction tax on Marcellus Shale drilling and it is time that we stop caving to the special interests and do the right thing for Pennsylvania. This would bring in an estimated $600-$800 Million dollars a year in revenue.
4. Legalize Marijuana: Legalizing marijuana has many benefits for Pennsylvania and our criminal justice system. Not counting the massive amounts of money our criminal justice system could save every year by legalizing marijuana, the tax alone on sales, would bring in an estimated $500 Million dollars a year in revenue.
Advocating for Quality, Affordable Education
You and your family deserve a good education. For our children, I’ll work to increase funding for schools and make them safer. For adults, I’ll push to make state-owned schools affordable for ALL residents and expand workforce education. I will meet quarterly with every school district in my district to understand what they need, what they are struggling with and to put together a plan to reach all of their goals and ensure every child gets a quality education regardless of their zip code.
Protecting Healthcare for our Seniors and Citizens
All Pennsylvanians should have access to affordable health care. I’ll fight to protect Medicare and Medicaid, and make sure that Pennsylvania’s seniors have the benefits they’ve been paying into all their lives. I will work to ensure our rural communities can access healthcare when and where they need it. I will work to cap the cost of prescription drugs, especially insulin, so that Pennsylvania residents do not have to decide between paying the bills and buying their medicine.
Safeguarding the Environment
There is no Planet B, and protecting our environment is more important now than ever. Pennsylvania’s natural resources are unparalleled, and I’ll fight to protect them. In the short term, I’ll increase oversight and regulation on fracking so we can limit its risks to the environment. But that isn’t a long term solution, so I will also push for Pennsylvania to invest in safe, sustainable energy like solar and wind so that we no longer need to depend on fossil fuels. I feel strongly that our government should lead the way in renewable energy use and will work to ensure our government buildings have solar panels, that we boost our electric fleet and ensure we have a network of charging stations for both our Commonwealth employees and our residents.

Supporting Gun Owners and the 2nd Amendment
I’m a gun owner and I support the 2nd amendment. I will work toward the goals we all share – to keep our schools safe, to keep guns out of the hands of people who will harm themselves or others and to keep guns stored safely so that children cannot accidentally fire them. The best way to end mass shootings is with a strong mental health system that gets people the help they need, as well as strengthening our background reporting system to catch those at risk who may be slipping through the cracks.
Standing Up for Our Workers and Unions
I stand with Pennsylvania workers and the unions who support them. We must raise the minimum wage and increase workforce and technical training. I will oppose any legislation that will make it difficult for someone to join a union or will limit the union’s ability to represent Pennsylvania’s workers.